About Us

We started Harmonie Home & Body On A Dare From Some Inspired Friends Who Challenged Us To Make A Better Candle--So We Did.

We believe we have solved the three most frequent problems common to serious candle burners.


Our background in product marketing and advertising came in handy since we knew how to conduct consumer research.  We conducted a survey of serious candle buyers to understand what they did not like about the candles they were burning on a regular basis. 

This revealed the Top Three Problems with candles that informed our first small lot of hand poured candles featuring just six fragrances.

The Harmonie fragrances are always present and pleasing but never too strong, our coconut wax burns slower and lasts longer than typical soy or beeswax, and we use 100% USA cotton braided wicks that stand up to the bottom of the vessel as you burn our high quality products. 

The cotton braided wicks are never lost in the melt pool to avoid drowning the flame and wax build ending the candle before its time.  We have fulfilled over 1,000 online orders since our first luxury scent was purchased. 

Our fragrances are meant to be experienced like great background music for your nose--always there but never interrupting your enjoyment.

Now, just two years later, we offer luxury fragrances with premium performance in a growing portfolio of candles, all purpose sprays, lotions, perfume rollers, soaps, oils and diffusers, lip care products and we are working on hair products all scented beautifully.

Our luxury products are available for much less than those high priced image brands delivering a better experience at a better price.

Who needs Jo or Le Labo when you have our luxury experience at less than those premium prices?

We welcome you to smell the difference with all of our fragrance products.

Smell Great.  Feel Better.